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From the book My Thoughts on Victorious Living by Dr. Bridget E. Hilliard
Father in the name of Jesus, I embrace the truth of your word. I am a virtuous woman and my husband is a mighty man of valor. I set my heart to submit to my own husband as he submits to your pattern for our lives. It is my desire to please my husband and I look to him to protect, provide and nurture my life.

I am spiritually focused, emotionally strong, and a woman of unquestionable character. I will do my husband good all the days of our lives. I am adaptable to my husbands needs and I am the helpmate that God has prepared for him. I will always honor and respect my husband as a man of GOD. My husband love me and respects me as Christ loves the church.

My husband and I walk hand in hand, striving side by side, united in spirit and purpose, contending with a single mind to do Gods will in our lives. I choose to die to things that are killing our relationship. I gladly drink from the cup that was prepared before we were married. I will gladly bear the cross of our relationship and I will allow my husband to be himself. We are experiencing a new life together where old things are passed away and behold all things are become new.

1 Cor 10:3-6
Judges 6:12
Psalms 119:105
Gen 3:16
Matt 26:37-42
Pro 31:10-31
Eph 5:22-26
Luke 19:1-8
Heb 12:2
2 Cor 5:17

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